Free e-book
October 16-17th | Esc. Sec. Eça de Queirós | Lisbon Registrations open! Accredited by CCPFC FINAL PROGRAMME available
Pedido de certificação da qualificação profissional para o grupo de recrutamento 120 Inglês do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico Requerimento
Easter resources...
INSIDE THIS MONTH'S ISSUE: ...this month we’ve got some quotes scientifically guaranteed to make you smile; some lovely Valentine’s Day idioms to get your heart racing, plus a section to help learn those pesky dependent prepositions and, last but not...
Sparkle Box Free printables for phonics, writing, grammar, stories, rhymes and more!
Love is in the air! Here's a list of fun activities for your classroom!